Mental Health Self Check
Good mental health is essential to your overall health and well-being. It’s just as important to take care of your mental health as it is to take care of your physical health. Shoppers Drug Mart and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have partnered to raise awareness and promote mental health across Canada. Mental Health Self Check is an interactive tool that will help...
Mood Disorders - an Overview
Definition Mood: A temporary state of mind or feeling. Everyone has “moods”, high and low, and this is a good thing. A person’s mood can change from day to day or multiple times in a day, and be affected by any number of things- events, interactions with other people, good or bad news, how much you’ve eaten or exercised, the weather, how much sleep you got etc. If you imagine...
5 New Year’s Resolutions For Depression
When you look back at the past year, what stands out? If the answer to that is depression, feelings of despair or hopelessness, you shouldn’t have to go through that for another whole year. The stress of the holidays is fading. You’re leaving last year behind and a fresh start awaits. This is a new year. It’s a great time to start working towards managing...
5 Ways to Survive Holiday Parties When Anxiety Is Your Plus-One
By RENÉE FABIAN Braving crowded stores to find the perfect gifts, busy irregular schedules and traveling and decorating and wrapping presents and preparing food, and, of course, don’t forget the office or family holiday party. ’Tis the season … to be anxious. With all these holiday activities to worry about, for many people, a party may seem like a blip...
Finding True Happiness In Your Life In The New Year
You may search high and low, you may search far and wide, and you might come to the conclusion that you can’t find happiness anywhere. But maybe you’ve just been looking in the wrong place… True happiness isn’t something that comes to find you. It’s something you work for. It’s something you create for yourself. Finding Happiness In Relaxing Stop cheating yourself...
Tips for Wellness in the Workplace
A lot of our young life is looking forward to the future, moving out on our own and working in a career we love. Getting through school is a great accomplishment and needs to be celebrated, but it’s good to remember that next step where you’re supposed to find the “perfect job” is almost as attainable as finding a unicorn. This isn’t pessimistic; this is the reality of...